Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Children, no more children

A lost childhood is the worst that one would want in one’s life. The crisis that India is beginning to face. Interestingly, there was a similar article in India Today Magazine with the title “No Kidding”. I am referring to the new fag that has set in. Cosmetic Surgery for Children. What rules in an Indian household today is what the children say. When I talk about children I am referring to those that fall anywhere between 6 to 16. Cosmetic change –laser surgery, breast implants, health spas, manicure, pedicure, facials, bleaching, hair coloring, nose correction. What is astonishing is that these children are being accompanied by parents. Rakhi Sawant, the controversial item number of Bollywood who underwent a breast implant says she was surprised when she found a 15 year old kid in the same hospital to which she went to. And she adds that she felt happy to know that they were other women (quote , unquote) like her who wanted to undergo a change and feel more liberated. A 15 year old is not a woman and undergoing a breast implant at the age of 15 is not liberation. Doctors have guaranteed that Breast implants are completely safe for adults. It is not medically safe to have one done in children. The silicon may interfere with the underdeveloped breast tissue and cause permanent damage. The question under consideration here is why surgeons take up such operations. It is these people who can place a firm standing on the argument, it is the surgeons who would be taken seriously if they advise the parents about the seriousness of this issue and not an editor of a newspaper or a blogger like me. When some children were interviewed for the reason that made them undergo the change, many quoted they wanted to be like certain celebrities and others said their boyfriends/girlfriends were not too happy about them

Bombay which is a hub for the new fashion has a umpteen salons and spas and parlors that are specially made for children. Fashion houses have started to dive into the beauty industry since it is one that is thriving in India. There are 2 sections of parents- those who are helpless and are forced to take children to cosmetic surgery hospitals, spas etc and others who think it is worth the money. There is a Gym for children in Mumbai where a lot of 6-7 year olds visit. Weekends are spent on making oneself look better while people of my generation used to play and enjoy the freedom that the week gives to us. Looks didn’t matter to us. As long as we looked clean and tidy, it was good enough. We were children. We didn’t need to look “good”. I also read about a girl who is in her 9th standard from Pune and spends a minimum of 3000-4000Rs at the parlor. When interviewed on why she spends such exorbitant amounts, she justifies herself by telling that she frequents the pubs, meets a lot of friends and hence it is a necessity that comes along with all this. There was another case , where a mother and child pair came to a hospital along with the photo of a celebrity and the mother demanded that her daughter be made a look-alike of the person in the photo. One section of doctors in India are fighting to remove this evil while another are pocketing the huge sums of money that they receive to perform the personality change surgeries on young children.

Kaya Skin Clinic offers laser permanent hair removal surgery and one of their advertisement picture has a young girl being operated at by a professional. These clinics are the branded ones in the country , hence come with a big price tag and drive a huge hole in parents’ pockets.

Why are these children wanting to become adults very early and at an age when they should be rejoicing their childhood. And many of us here, at this point in life would do anything to get back to good ol’ days. Are these the necessary evils of an easily westernizing world?

What is even more surprising are the rates that an operation would cost to a parent:

I have picked a few :

Breast Impant: 1.25 lakh Rs

Nose Correction: 50,000-75,000 Rs

Laser Hair Removal surgery: 25000 Rs


Confused Soul said...

My mom keeps telling me that we are missing out a lotof things in our adolescence that they used to enjoy.. all the kids in the family or neighbourhood would play games together in the evenings after school and would have lots of fun.. but here.. we're online the whole time.. I doubt some of the people even know who their neighbours are.. Even school kids are pressurized to study so much! Everything has changed.. and so has the notion people have about their looks.. Earlier people never had bfs/gfs as such ages, or even when older. So problems about looks never arose..Nor did the children have so much exposure.. these days, children seem to be born intelligent.. they seem to know more than the parents itself.. then what else can we expect from them?

Quarter Past Seven said...

Nice take.
However, I wonder how things easily boil down to the "sabse bada rupaiya" theory. The easy buck that can be made by the doctor, and the one that can be spent by the parents. If kids are the ones looking forward to it, parents are the ones giving in to it. Somehow, catering to your child's every whim and fancy doesn't appear to me as the best technique of parenting.


Mithr said...

@confused soul
true . very true.but exposure of children to such stuff comes only because other children are doing it. and why are other children doing it ? because parents are allowing them to be exposed. Parents do not mind young ones using the internet etc at the age of 8 or 10. If this is nipped at the bud, then things might change. I have no clue where we are heading - there are so many differences between generations. is this good or bad ? How do we maitain a good balance of broad mindedness , forward thinking and preservation of culture and traditions. Sigh

Mithr said...

@bart simpson

As i mentioned above and as u have told, agreeing to the whims and fancies of children is the worst type of parenting. Is there anything we can do about ? Maybe years later, when we assume the role of parents, we shouldn't encourage all our childrens' needs and should wisely decide between the right and wrong. We shouldn't give in for emotions. They should be locked and kept in ones' cupboard when we are making children understand the right and the wrong

Anusha said...

Yikes, how tragic. We're all ruled by superficiality. And I don't know how many Jassis and Ugly Bettys it'll take for people to realize that beauty isn't everything. Sigh.

Preetha said...

" People of my generation" !!??
u make me feel old! :P
anyway.. its the shocking truth!
Even more shocking is the parents accompanying them!
y is it that I alone get a NO even for a haircut???

Priyanka said...

well, i am shocked to say the least.. it is yet another example of aping literally aping the west.. i dont understand why people cant be inspired by something instead of aping it.. tragic..

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